The types of bronchodilators

The agonists
This "Albuterol", "Alupent", "Ephedrine", "Astmopent", "Ventolin", "Serevent" and others. They eliminate the spasm of the bronchi. Bronchodilators are universal. Used mainly for the treatment of asthma. In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, especially when sadist used, but less frequently.

Used as maintenance therapy in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis. Improve lung function, reduce sadisco, reduce the frequency and duration of exacerbations. These include: "Urotropin", "Atrovent", "Ipratropium bromide", "Troventol".

Derivatives xantinov
These include drugs "Theophylline", "Aminophylline". They prevent acute bronchospasm, used in bronchial obstruction with severe.

A combination of drugs
Are a combination of two or more of the previous groups. Provide quick bronholiticeski (bronchodilatory) effect.
It would be better if the drug and the frequency of its use, will choose not a pharmacist, but your doctor after internal examination.

As bronchodilators used by plants. Including the harmala common (burial ground), cloves, Gelsemium, evergreen, tricolor violet, ivy, nightshade black, Auburn (tar) broad-leaved, lilac, marjoram, common, ephedra howeva, deadly ordinary.

Cough and its types

Cough is one of the important signs of bronchopulmonary diseases (larynx, trachea, bronchi). There is a wet cough (with sputum) and dry (without sputum). With a wet cough, you should use drugs that improve the expectoration, but not suppress the cough reflex, ie the so-called mucolytic and expectorants. Dry cough symptomatic treatment is the use of antitussive drugs Central and peripheral actions.
General recommendations when coughing:
-drink plenty of fluids;
-often ventilate the area (clean air reduces cough reflex);
-to refrain from Smoking, including passive.

Bronchodilators and cough

Bronchodilators used in the treatment of dry protracted cough. They make it easier to cough and have a slight antitussive effect. However, the treatment of bronchitis must be confined not only to the medication. Equally important are rest and inhalation. We should not forget that the treatment of any disease should consult a doctor.