Why does the language appear red dots?

Language is a mirror reflecting the General state of the human body. But what if there were red dots on the tongue or he was covered with sores and bloom, began itching? Do not postpone visit to the doctor, you should visit the dentist. Than you can say red spots? Such diseases of the mouth, like stomatitis, herpes, glossitis, candidiasis often starts with the appearance of red dots on the tongue.

Accurate diagnosis will be preceded by an examination of the language, the purpose of the analysis and identification of causes of infection. If it is subsequently determined that the disease relates to the field of dentistry, the patient referred to a gastroenterologist or cardiologist, as the red dots on the tongue could be a manifestation of any disease of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system.
If the language has become very pale, it can confirm vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia, General weakness of the body and weakening of the immune system.

To determine the disease specialist will help yellow bezel red spots and their contornist – the so-called geographic tongue. Often this phenomenon is observed in pregnant women and the danger it represents.

What if there were red dots on the tongue and they itch?

If the appearance of red dots on the tongue accompanied by itching, you need to think about the correctness of their food, since the development of pathology could lead to iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency. Overeating and attempt simultaneous incompatible food products – has two reasons for the formation of red dots on the tongue. In some people they can be a sign of Allergy to alcohol, food, drugs, and even toothpaste. To respond to the irritation of taste buds the language could and in contact with spicy or too hot food.

Whether the appearance of red dots on the tongue because of frequent Smoking?

The effects of Smoking are not only diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs. The red dots on the tongue, which arose as a result of regular Smoking and causing irritation of taste buds, capable over time to develop into tumors of different nature.

Causes of red dots on tongue in children

Children red dots on the tongue can be a consequences of his injuries candy. The bright red color of the tongue should alert the parents as he is often a symptom of Kawasaki syndrome – the autoimmune disease of genetic origin. Red dots on tongue child it is considered a sure sign of scarlet fever.

What if there were red dots on tongue:

• before visit to the doctor should examine the situation prior to the modification of the language and carry out oral hygiene;
• in order not to aggravate the existing condition, you must give up alcohol and spicy food;
• good will and abstinence from Smoking, at least temporary;
• to treat mouth and tongue with red dots you can use diluted or Furatsilina, potassium permanganate;
• to ease the pain will help the pain medicine.
Nothing more should not be done, because red spots on the tongue can be signs of serious disease of the intestine, esophagus or gallbladder, diagnosis and treatment which should be only a doctor.

What can tell the color of the tongue?

Red tongue can indicate heart disorders and pulmonary systems, infectious diseases and diseases of the blood. Dark red color of the tongue confirmed the same pathology that and red, but only for them more difficult.
The color change of the language to more bright or dark can indicate a fever. So the body signals the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process and infection control.

Smooth shiny language suggests anemia. Red and purple indicates serious morbid condition of the lungs and circulatory system. Blue and purple color of the tongue says about possible abnormalities in the kidneys.