Open any website in your browser (e.g. Firefox). Click the Bookmarks tab and then click "Add page".
You can also add a quick bookmark by clicking in the address bar, the icon stars. It will turn yellow and a window will open where you will need to enter the name of the website, check the address and press "OK".
If you wish, you can distribute existing browser bookmarks into categories – this in the section "Manage bookmarks", select "Create new folder", name it, and move it appropriate to the theme of the bookmark.
If you are using Internet Explorer, click the favorites menu and select "Add to favorites". The website will appear in the bookmark list.
You can also, as in the case with the previous browser to give the website a name, which you remember better than simple address. When adding to favorites, select the folder in which you saved the bookmark.
If you have Opera, then to create the bookmark, press Ctrl+D or Bookmarks and select "bookmark page". Change the name of the saved references and select a favorites folder to save or create this folder yourself, if the required folder is not yet in the catalog.
You can also save bookmarks in the root folder of favourites, adding links into separate folders.