You will need
  • - live bloodworm;
  • - crustaceans;
  • - frozen bloodworms;
  • - Tubifex;
  • - dry food from the pet store.
Rumble fish-cock unpretentious in food and feed different feeds: dry, fresh, frozen. Normal diet consists of bloodworms, shrimp, Tubifex and dry food, but a preference for cock gives living worms and crustaceans. Bloodworms – the most affordable and common food. Use only fresh and live bloodworms. The worms should move, not have an unpleasant smell and be bright red (small) or red (large) color. So when feeding live bloodworm not to sink to the bottom, use the special floating feeder. The worms gradually crawl out of it in the water and the fish have time to eat them.
If you feed the crayfish cock, first gently rinse the food in a net under running water. Collect a few live specimens and place in a small jar with water. Lower the jar into the aquarium at an angle. Crabs will come up and will be a treat for your fish. A rooster has a good appetite and he readily eats. So the fish do not overeat, limit the amount of food. Divide daily dose into 2-3 times and offer food in small portions. For nutrition alternate feed. Don't forget that frozen bloodworms and dry crustaceans should be only a minor Supplement, the main part of the diet should be provided by live feed.
If you need to change your diet, teach your cock to the new food gradually. Fish first is to act up, but then starts to eat it with great pleasure. Add a new treat in small portions to the main and then sub him out completely. Before feeding the fish, pay attention to the size of her abdomen. The cock itself brings variety to your menu. He successfully preys on aquatic snails (physical, horn coils, Melanie).