Preserves are made of green, not zaberemenila cones, only they contain beneficial vitamins and minerals. Cones of spruce and pine to jam in different climatic zones are harvested at different times. In Central Russia to collect young cones you need at the end of June in the southern regions of our country collection can begin in may. They should be green, soft, juicy, a bit sticky, so both of them is the resinous liquid with a pine scent. It is very important to collect cones in a clean place, avoid forests have roads and plants, as conifers are good for removing dirt and harmful substances from the atmosphere.

Remember that jam from cones of coniferous trees should not be consumed in large quantities, as is the load on the kidneys. To achieve the healing effect you can have one tablespoon per day (one shot).

Jam of spruce cones

Jam of spruce cones are more delicate and resinous than pine, it is especially nice to have with green tea. This sweetness good treats diseases of ENT organs: quinsy, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis. One kilogram of cones need to take pounds of sugar and ten cups of water.

Cooking cones is possible in an enamel, copper pot or stainless steel tanks.

Fir cones good wash, sort and remove twigs, pine needles, and other debris. Wash them again under running water and cover with cold water. Cones should be left to soak for a day, so they become softer. In a saucepan pour the sugar, add water and bring to a boil so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Put the lumps in the syrup and simmer until then, until the green scales begin to open. While cooking the jam to stir and remove the scum. Lay it on the banks, close caps and store in the refrigerator.

Jam made from pine cones

Jam from pine cones has a more pronounced pine aroma, it is well strengthens the immune system and helps prevent against colds. This jam helps in diseases of the gums, tones with chronic fatigue, relieves pain associated with arthritis. The ratio of sugar cones for this recipe is about the same as for jam of spruce cones: one to one. Water is usually added less to cover the cones half an inch. Soak them in advance is optional, you can immediately begin to boil, the Bay the right amount of water. First bring the water to a boil, then add the sugar, again wait until the syrup comes to a boil, reduce heat and cook for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally and removing the foam. The jam is ready when the buds will acquire a reddish color and become soft.