Prepare a paper that will serve as the basis for creating postcards. It is best to choose a more dense material. Color does not have to be white – it can be sandy, and beige, and even red or blue. The main thing is that it is good to read and look those elements that will be applied after. Also a good option might be a sheet of cardboard or textured paper.
Think of your greeting text for cards. As you congratulate your grandmother, it should not be official. Try to make the text so that it sounds too dry and corny, list specific examples of what you are grateful grandma, wish her what she really wants and not just use the standard requests. If drawing greeting text you have difficulties – ask for help to the Internet. Take some ready-made greetings and based on them create your.
Next, consider the composition of the postcard. Decide where you will position the text where decorative elements. The text can be printed on the sheet using a printer, but it is better to write neatly by hand. So the card will look more sincere.
Select the decorative elements for design. As they can make images similar to those that occur on conventional postcards: flowers, monograms, etc. you can cut Them out from magazines, and you can draw your own. The last option would be even more preferable. Another option – use photos from the family archive. For example, it can be a card with several recent celebrations of grandma's Birthday or photograph you and her alone.
Neatly write congratulatory text on the card, decorate it with your chosen decorative elements. Be sure to sign up.