Get the strengthening of your aura. Imagine that you are surrounded by transparent, clean, blinding white light. It's like he completely envelops your head, legs, body, covering you like a shield. Call "White light", mentally orders him to protect you from all sorts of attacks supernatural forces. ("White light" is the armor of your soul). Practice this everyday and soon you will feel around you appears and strengthens protective aura.
Wear Holy talismans since ancient times is considered a reliable protection from the dark forces. The most common are cross magic figure of five - pointed star and six-pointed star Solomon's seal, two intersecting triangle which symbolize the victory of good over evil.
Use rosemary oil as a perfume, this fragrance will bring you peace of resistance and build a reliable shield capable of repelling all encroachments of evil energy. Geranium and cypress as well as rosemary have a strong protokoldosiero properties. Mix equal proportion of oil of rosemary, geranium and cypress and you will get a tool that will scare away any evil spirits.
Lay at night in different corners of his room half onion. In the morning, burn or bury it. Garlic is also a powerful absorber of negative energy. Keep it in the house, at night you can throw the cleaned head on the floor, and in the morning to sweep and burn.
Fill the bathtub with warm water, toss it in seven white flowers of carnations. Lie down in the tub and spread all over the body colors. This procedure will clean your aura, washing away all the negativity.
Go using running water (in a river on a bridge, stream, etc.). Running water has the ability to break the bond of the sorcerer soul of the victim.
Take a cool shower - it's a good way to get rid of negative energy.
Take a cool shower - it's a good way to get rid of negative energy.
Reject the power of the enemy over you. Tell me vigorously and firmly, mentally or in the face of the enemy: "you Have no power over me!"
Resort to prayer, if you are a believer, ask God to forgive the evil man, to bring his soul to the path of light. Never try to return evil for evil. Don't forget that true faith is able to protect from any magical influences.
Do not give in to self-hypnosis, because most of the magic rituals based on his action. If people stubbornly do not believe in witches is not a magician, a wizard is not able to harm him.