To a lot of negative energy in different ways. This could be being in a geopathic zone, possession of containing the negative energy of objects. Often the causes of illness is the evil eye or intentionally induced damage.
Check out my apartment in the presence of negative field. You will need two l-shaped dowsing rods, bend them out of iron wire. Stick length is about 15 centimeters long pieces – 30-35 cm
Negative space appears at the intersection of energy lines forming on the surface of the earth grid with a mesh size of approximately three by three meters (maybe a little more or less). The presence of the grid does not depend on the number of storeys of the house, it is present in all apartments.
Holding the scope in front of you, parallel to each other, walk slowly around the room, with the intention to find an energy line. In the moment when you will be crossing, the frame in your hands together. Mark the position of the line on the plan of the apartment. Moving through the rooms in different directions, determine the location of the energy grid and its nodes.
If the intersection of the lines is the bed or chair, move them to another place. To sleep on the intersection of the lines is impossible, it is fraught with the most serious diseases. Take this seriously – negative impact of the points of intersections of energy lines on human health is confirmed by many researchers.
If you are a believer, the most reliable protection from the evil eye and spoilage of all kinds is your faith. Wear a cross (or other symbols of your faith), go to Church. We firmly believe in the fact that you are protected and no one in this world can harm you.
No less reliable protection is a complete lack of faith in all this "obscurantism". The principle is simple: believing in something, you automatically open up to the energies of this range. Conversely, if you do not believe in the evil eye, to hurt you, it will be very difficult.
Be very careful about buying vintage things, especially mirrors. Mirrors do not memorize information, but open access to it. If the mirror has witnessed some bad events – for example, someone's death that accompanied this event the negative energy will be available to you.
Always check the dowsing part of the purchased paintings. Many paintings carry a charge of negative energy: at home hanging a picture, you will ensure not only health problems but also long losing streak.
When dealing with an unpleasant person mentally surround yourself with protective energy cocoon. Second option: imagine that person naked. Third, the most radical – mentally point to that person a short arrow in the "third eye" (point between the eyebrows). This will deprive him of the opportunity to overwhelm you with his will. Use this option only in the most extreme case.
Good protection from negative energies and provide cats. In that case, if the owner is trying to have some magical effects, cats take care of it. If the impact was strong, the cat may die as a result of illness or accident.