You will need
  • - raspberries,
  • - sugar,
  • - water,
  • - capacity storage.
Dry raspberries. This can be done using a conventional oven. During the drying process it should be ajar. You'll need berries average maturity, which should be collected in dry Sunny weather. Lay the berries on a baking sheet, the laid paper, and place in a preheated 45 degree oven. When the fruit begins to dry, increase the temperature to 70 degrees. Periodically shake the raspberries. Drying will take approximately 2-3 hours. If you did everything right, the grey-crimson fragrant berries will not stain your hands.
Store dried raspberries in a dry place. This will protect it from mold. Ensure the capacity that stores of dried raspberry, were hermetically closed. To prepare an infusion of dried berries, steep 2 tablespoons of raspberries in a glass of boiling water. This infusion is a good diaphoretic in colds, but after its use you should immediately go to bed and a good shelter.
Freeze berries. This is the easiest and fastest way to store in the presence of the freezer. The berries should be ripe, without dark edges and dry. Gently place them in containers for freezing, filling capacity so as not to damage the berries.
Wipe the berries with sugar. For this you will need per 1 kg of dry ripe berries, cleaned from the stalk and dried particles, 2 kg of sugar. Use cookware that is not oxidized. The pestle for grinding it is better to use hardwood. Pound the berries and sugar to the desired consistency. To remove seeds, use a sieve. Usually pour received the filling of the jam into a small (1 l) jars, treated with boiling water and wiped with a dry towel. On top you can sprinkle a little sugar for the formation of a protective crust. Close the banks conventional lids or parchment. Store in the refrigerator.
Make raspberry syrup. Wipe 2 kg of berries through a sieve or use several layers of cheesecloth. Juice pour the sugar (to 1 liter of juice you need 2 kg of sugar). Heat the mixture until the sugar is dissolved, boil, drain and roll in the pre-treated banks.