The Registrar applies to public bodies that conduct all documentary record of significant events in the life of every person. First, decide what position you'd like to claim. The organization is obliged to conduct a competition to fill the vacancy in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. To submit documents within certain deadlines, they stipulate in the advertisement and take in a specially created Commission. In a statement on the vacancy you should specify your personal details, education, experience, list the qualities you as a professional and put a date and signature at the bottom of the page. The document attached to the passport copy of diploma and employment record, if any.
The Commission considers the documents within 30 days from the date of receipt. Then held an open competition in which you can attend. All changes and results during the competition are duplicated in the media. The contest is held in the presence of at least two applications for one vacant work place. Priority, under equal conditions, has the application that submitted the first one.
Preference is given to persons having higher professional linguistic, legal, psychological, in the field of public management. This is due to the need to work with documents, people, need every day to deal with paperwork and a large flow of people should tactfully and politely communicate. The person that has passed on the results of the competition for the vacant place is made to work with a probation period of 3 to 6 months at the discretion of the head of the registry office of theom. After this period, it is necessary to pass the exam, the results of which worker is laid off or make a permanent job. Certification of employees is carried out annually, three years and five years. They are assigned the title of "advisers" and class ranks.
Senior positions can get only the person who has experience in this field of work and higher education. To apply for these jobs regardless of age, nationality and race. In the tender documentation prescribes the mandatory list that must be followed when applying.