You will need
- - drug collection: Heather,lungwort, motherwort;
- - fresh oak bark;
- - the crushed leaves of sea Kale;
- - walnuts;
- the feijoa fruit, sugar;
- - grass Potentilla silver;
- - flowers of Lily of the valley;
- - tincture of Valerian root;
- - Melissa leaves, peppermint,herb of spring Adonis and yarrow, cones of hops, flowers Kolosova lavender.
Pay attention to the signs in the formation of goiter. On the background of metabolic disorders in endemic goitere appear irritability, nervousness and emotional disorders. Swollen thyroid gland, which is located under the skin on the anterior surface of the neck. Confusion, hand tremors, heart palpitations and vypechennoe eyes symptoms that accompany graves ' disease.
Include in your diet foods rich in iodine, which is organic matter must be delivered to the body. Eat seafood, sea Kale, tomatoes, onions, citrus. Refrain from daily consumption of fatty meat, coffee, alcohol, spices and products made with white flour.
To help in the treatment of goiterand coming folk remedies. If the goiter is accompanied by heart palpitations, use a mixture of common Heather, medicinal lungwort, and motherwort. Pour three tablespoons collection liter of boiling water. Take six times a day for 50 ml. If your pulse is slow, reduce the number of motherwort to 1 tablespoon.
Fresh oak bark crush to a pulp and apply as a mask on the region of the thyroid gland, or simply wipe the neck cortex. Wear amber beads. It should be of natural yellow amber.
From 15 to 30 days, as it lasts one course of treatment, take the powder of seaweed. One teaspoon powder mix with water.
Make alcohol tincture partitions walnut. Once a day, take a few drops of tincture to water.
When hypofunction of the thyroid gland, take the feijoa fruit with sugar. Mix these ingredients in equal quantities and eat 3 tablespoons in the morning for half an hour before Breakfast.
Brew tea instead of the usual grass silvery Potentilla. Drink it for a long time.
Chokeberry is very rich in iodine content. Mash fresh berries with sugar, taking them in equal quantity. Take three times a day a tablespoon.
A decoction prepared from the flowers of Lily of the valley that can help with graves disease. To cook tablespoon of flowers pour hot water and boil 10 minutes. Take pre-strain 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.
With increasing gland function take tincture of Valerian root. They will relieve anxiety and irritation, normalize heartbeat. Take 5 parts lemon balm leaves, peppermint, herb of spring Adonis and yarrow and 4 parts of the knobs of hops and flowers Kolosova lavender. Pour boiling water (0,5 l), two tablespoons of the collection, will insist. Take half a Cup 4 times a day.