The easiest method of obtaining acetylene reaction of calcium carbide with water. I'm sure many kids remember how to throw pieces of carbide in the puddles. Immediately began the rapid hiss, and carbide literally "melted" in the formed foam. This reaction is as follows:
CaC2 + 2Н2О = C2H2 + CA(Oh)2
CaC2 + 2Н2О = C2H2 + CA(Oh)2
If you use technical carbide, contaminated by impurities, the reaction is accompanied by an unpleasant odor due to the formation of acetylene together with small amounts of toxic gases of hydrogen sulfide, phosphine, etc.
Currently, the main industrial method of obtaining acetylene – cracking (breaking ties -C - under the action of high temperatures and in the presence of catalysts) natural methane gas. It is the most economically and technologically justified due to the presence of readily available and inexpensive raw materials. Is carried out in two ways: either pass methane through a red-hot electrodes (temperature of the reaction volume of about 1600 degrees), followed by rapid cooling, or using heat generated by partial combustion of acetylene.
In the first case the reaction takes place thus:
2СН4 = C2H2 + 3Н2
In the second case:
6СН4 + 4О2 = C2H2 + 8Н2 + 3СО + CO2 + 3Н2О
2СН4 = C2H2 + 3Н2
In the second case:
6СН4 + 4О2 = C2H2 + 8Н2 + 3СО + CO2 + 3Н2О