The storage of acetylene should take into account its features. For example, it is impossible to keep in tanks with bronze valve, because the gas reacts with the copper included in the composition of bronze, forming a highly explosive substance – acetylene copper.
The oldest, time-proven method of producing acetylene is the reaction of carbide of calcium with water. Probably, many boys amused themselves by throwing pieces of carbide in a puddle, immediately began a furious hiss, carbide, literally, "boiled", disappearing in the eyes, and the air distinctly smelled something sharp, "sharp". This reaction proceeds thus:
CaC2 + 2Н2О = C2H2 + CA(Oh)2, to ensure that it was not too heavy, you can use plain water and a saturated solution of sodium chloride, for example.
If this experience is planned to be shown in chemistry class, you should pick up the reaction flask of a suitable size. If it is too small, forming upon dissolution of the carbide foam can be "thrown" by the pressure of the acetylene in the outlet tube and then into the receiving vessel. In the case of too large a bulb will have a long wait until the acetylene formed does not displace all air from the device.
Water, and better saturated solution of sodium chloride should be added in a flask with pieces of carbide slowly, drop by drop by adjusting the reaction speed, avoiding it flowed too violently.