You will need
  • aquarium;
  • filter;
  • - plants for the aquarium;
  • shrimp.
Pick up the aquarium. Depending on the amount of shrimp, it can be 10 liter and 30 liter.
Select the sponge filter. You can only use the "running" type, because he is the most harmless to shrimp.
Buy a large number of plants: moss, Thai fern, riccia, Anubias Barter dwarf, Vodokras frog and others.
Depending on the region in which you live, purchase a temperature controller or a fan. They are necessary in order to maintain a constant temperature in the range of 21 to 25%.
Buy themselves shrimps of different sexes of the corresponding age. The biggest difficulty is the determination of the sex of the shrimp. Cherries reach sexual maturity at the age of 3.5 months, and Caridina spp. green – 5 months. To determine their gender need to know many nuances, for example, both sexes of shrimp and Bees kind of Crystals of the same body shape. It only changes when you start to carry eggs for the first time. Besides, in the early stages of their eggs to see very difficult.
After selection with native shrimp is done, place them in an aquarium with plenty of hiding places. To remove food that remains uneaten, use snails. As filters will apply the above Riccio or Vodokras frog. They also serve as sources of vital oxygen (riccia). And the moss will be food for adults and young individuals. In addition, plants create comfort and a sense of security in the aquarium.
For several weeks, do not create stressful situations prawns. Feed them food which contains a large number of fats and proteins: Artemide frozen, high-quality pellets, Cyclops. This power must in order that females could produce eggs. Too much food did not let us – she will not eat completely, and the remains will rot or it will eat snails, but you can't breed them together.
Wait a while, until you notice pregnant females. It may take days or even weeks. Caviar shrimp are hatching, approximately 3-4 weeks, and then it appears a tiny shrimp. They feed on humus or food, found in the moss. To the size of the adult shrimp they grow for several months. It depends on the quantity and quality of food and water changes (1 per week). Water change leads to their linenew, and this, in turn, stimulates growth. In order to avoid overpopulation we should not hold teenagers and a lot of fry together.