In order to palpate lymph nodes BTE, put your hand in the recess behind the ear. Gently apply pressure to the skin in a circular motion, and try to determine here the lymph nodes.
For the study of the submandibular lymph nodes are slightly lower the head. Fingers position in the angle of the lower jaw and try to feel the lymph nodes, moving in the direction of the chin. Submandibular lymph nodes on the right easier to search for the left hand, and Vice versa.
To feel for lymph nodes chin lower the head. The fingers of one hand explore the area under the chin in the midline.
To find zadnesheynyh lymph nodes turn your head to the side and place your hand on the anterior surface of the neck. You will feel that in the opposite direction to that in which you turned the head, between the collarbone and the ear taut muscle. Is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on its rear edge palpate the lymph nodes zadnesheynyh.
Turn your head to the other side and palpate the lymph nodes located along the rear edge of the muscle on the other side. Place your fingers perpendicular to the surface of the neck.
At the front edge of the same muscle on both sides prenesenie palpate lymph nodes.
Palpate the supraclavicular lymph nodes in the supraclavicular fossae on both sides.
Subclavian lymph nodes explore in the course of the upper ribs under the lower edge of the clavicle.
For the feeling of the axillary lymph nodes of one hand move to the side and up. The fingers of the other hand put in the armpit. Slowly lower your raised arm and simultaneously try to find the axillary lymph nodes.
To feel for lymph nodes elbow bend one arm at the elbow at a right angle and relax. The fingers of the other hand place the elbow closer to its inner part and try to find the elbow lymph nodes.
Inguinal lymph node produmyvayte above and below the fold, which is formed by bending the leg in the hip joint. Palpate imously along the folds.