There's also a psychological scheme to combat any fear. It consists of two stages – recognition of an existing problem and concretization of his fear. Answer the following questions. You delay the visit to the doctor to the last? In front of the Cabinet are your fears? If so, you should admit you have a fear of dentists. Well, if you had to swoon and bite the doctor or panic to escape, then most likely you already developed a phobia and help you can only be a psychologist.
Recognizing the existing problem, try to specify your own. What are you afraid of, is fear real or contrived. If you are afraid of pain, of infection some diseases of the incompetence of the doctor or a huge bill for treatment, it's real fears. But if you fear that you will be taken to the doctor from a horror movie "the Dentist", this fear is far-fetched. And now, the practical effect of his fear, try to compete with him.
For example, consider the most common fear of pain. How can I win? To consult with your chosen doctor will discuss all possible methods of anesthesia, the cost and efficiency. Believe is a dentist and he doesn't want to hurt you, because to treat in this case it will be much harder, and lose the client he does not want to. Of course, there are neglected problems, which, without discomfort, not to cure (which, incidentally, a good argument for quick access to a doctor), but not to torture you, no one will. In the end, there is complete anesthesia, and many hospitals use it.
Do not try to overcome your fears in one swoop. It is better to act gradually. Come to the clinic, meet the doctor. By the way, you can ask the receptionist to write you to the very kind and patient. Discuss all procedures and their cost. If it makes you trust – just assign the day of treatment. One or two visit to the dentist, who will be without pain, make your own retreat. Do not stop and be sure to adjust all your teeth. Most likely, last visit to the dentist should be relaxing, and you will be surprised to observe some frightened poor fellow in the waiting room.
Another important question is how to prevent such fear in children. Work on this should be from a very early age. Remember the simple rules: brush your teeth baby, as soon as the first. Every six months be sure to visit a pediatric dentist, who will follow up the growth of teeth and time sounds the alarm in case of caries. Clinic it is better to choose a specialized, child. She does not like the hospital, waiting for their turn to play and watch cartoons. The child, accustomed from childhood to treat teeth, will make it into adulthood. And the last rule: if you don't want your kid afraid of dentists will never tell him that they're afraid of it!