One of the signs of enlarged lymph node is a slight reddening of the skin over it. This is due to the occurrence of suppurative process in lymph node. If there is such redness you need to open the cavity above the node, otherwise its shell can break and the accumulated pus will penetrate into those close to him tissue. Thus, there will be abscess, a complication of lymphadenitis.
The easiest way to identify swollen lymph nodes — palpation. If you press may feel sick — this is the first indication that the node is increased as a result of some infectious process.
Enlarged lymph nodes (more than 2.5 cm) is sometimes defined by a slightly prominent areas of skin on the neck or in the armpits. And the size of the enlarged lymph node can range from a small bean to a walnut.
The most accurate method to determine lymph node enlargement — physical study. It helps to find out the sizes of the nodes, the nature of their occurrence, the symptoms of inflammation of the surrounding tissues, mobility and consistency.
Most difficult to estimate the increase in intra-abdominal and intrathoracic lymph nodes, so as to probe them is impossible. This can usually be detected only by a common and focused examination.
The increase in intrathoracic lymph nodes is sometimes possible to detect when the chest x-ray, as well as the examination of peripheral lymph nodes. But these types of studies do not always give accurate results.
Another method to determine lymph node enlargement laboratory study. It includes a General blood test, a swab from the throat and test for heterophilic antibodies to Epstein-Baar.
If you suspect enlargement of lymph nodes, performed diagnostic study — puncture. It allows you to get a smaller data volume than the biopsy, but if enlarged lymph nodes of the thyroid gland, or the patient has a risk of recurrence of the tumor, the puncture should be spent in the first place.
Lymph node biopsy is a complex diagnostic method, but when a suspicious compacted education is mandatory.