You will need
  • computer;
  • program Recuva;
  • - flash drive.
In some cases it is possible to recover deleted information with the help of special programs. There are several utilities that provide such opportunities. For this you will need the program Recuva. You can download it on the website The free version of Recuva, when you run the wizard appears, helping to restore the deleted information. On the first page choose the type of information that you want to restore. This program allows you to recover the maximum amount of information on the computer.
On the next page, specify the media on which you want to search lost information. In the next window you can enable "deep analysis" if the first search found nothing.
After the search you will be shown the list of discovered files. Each file is marked with a circle of a certain color which indicates the status of the found file. Green indicates a good status of the file, yellow file is corrupt, but perhaps I will restore red – the file cannot be recovered.
In this list you need to tick the files that you need. Next, click on the tab "Restore". In the program window will appear, prompting you to specify the folder where to save all files. It is also worth noting that you should not save files back on the stick, as it may overwrite the sectors on which the restore information is stored. Try to keep everything on the local disk of your computer, or a specially prepared disk.
The main condition for successful recovery of lost information is that after formatting the flash drive or memory card, you don't have anything on her record, otherwise, some of the clusters with the necessary files will be overwritten, and the chances of successful recovery falls heavily.