You will need
  • - slim figure
  • - knowledge of a foreign language
  • - no defects on the face and hands
  • good health
  • - stress
To get a job as a flight attendant today is possible without special training. However, the requirements of most airlines almost always the same. Therefore, before trying to get to work, you need to allocate some time to match them.
Most of the requirements relate to appearance. Rise of flight attendants should be between 165-180 cm, stewards, 175-190. Age - 18 to 30 years. Of course, your height and age you can not change. But other options - completely.
Clothing size girls should not exceed 46, boys 54. So if you have a distinct excess weight, you should lose weight.
Remove visible areas of the skin all kinds of tattoo, piercing, and large birthmarks and other defects that can be eliminated. Contact your dentist and correct the serious dental problems, if any. Because the flight attendant is the face of the airline, so pretty and well-groomed appearance is very important.
Engage education. Higher education is not necessary, but preferable. Also, all airlines require knowledge of a foreign language. While there are some that are absolutely not English and some other language, depending on the specifics of the flights. Sign up for a crash course in a foreign language, to master it at an average level in the shortest possible time.
Learn the basic rules of etiquette because you have to deal with the customer service.
Pay attention to their health, strengthen immunity and cure all chronic diseases. Enjoy sports like Jogging or fitness. Before applying for a job you have to undergo a medical examination. Yes, and good form does not hurt you in any way.
Prepare summary. Reflect all your data and skills, and also describe in a few lines why you want to work flight attendant.
Send CV with photo directly to the airline, where you would like to get. Previously find out about training courses in these companies, of potential career growth and the main directions of flight.