Generally it is better to write two copies of a cover letter for judicial officers, one of which will send back to you with a note on the receipt. So in case of any problems you can prove that you sent the message, and that it reached the addressee. If the Agency where you need to send a letter, to be not in your city, send a letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
Cover letter written on standard stamp or letterhead of the organization stating all her details.
In the upper right corner, specify the addressee, that is the name of the bailiff service and its address.
Set out below are data about the claimant (i.e. you) and the debtor (the person against whom you would like to begin enforcement proceedings): surname, name, patronymic, address, telephone number, account number and all the details.
Then from the middle a new line write the phrase "Application for initiation of enforcement proceedings".
Then describe the contents of your request, beginning with the words: "This letterm direct a writ of execution No. (specify number) (specify the number), issued ... by the court (specify court name) in case number (specify the number of court cases). Please bring enforcement proceedings in case number (specify the case number). Please send a copy of the resolution on initiation of Executive production at (specify address and zip code)". At the end of the letter put the number and signature.
The letter should attach a certified copy of the writ and a copy of the judgment.
After sending the letter carefully, follow the how to run enforcement proceedings, and if any are not, you can try to appeal the actions of bailiffs and to defend their interests.
Remember that the text of the letter should not be very large. All requests need to briefly describe in simple sentences. Wherever there is a reference to any person, the judicial authority or documentation that details all known details (surname, name, patronymic or company name, address, phone number, zip code, number court case).