How to get rid of the paint on the hair and fix the tint after a failed experiment? It all depends on what you do not like. If you badly discolored and received as a result of red or yellow hair, here one solution is to paint them a soft bleaching powder paint. Color dye for bleached hair you should choose a tone lighter than the desired shade, as it can get more intense. Bleached hair empty inside, scales them opened, so do not be surprised that the paint will quickly wash out. Should be in 2 weeks to re-staining to the color pigments firmly entrenched inside the hair and not washed out. Bleached hair is painted from the back, then you should paint the roots, and in the end apply the mixture on the ends, as they quickly succumb to staining.
If you unsuccessfully dyed in a dark color, then get rid of paint , you can use natural masks, and mutes the color. These include kefir and oil. Masks are made several times a week, preferably at night. Oil (burdock, almond, flax), or yogurt is applied over the entire surface of hair. Then the head should be wrapped with plastic wrap and insulate with a towel. Natural mask strengthens the hair and gradually pulled the dark color, restoring hair's natural shade.If your hair is not too dry to chemical dyes, try to wash your hair with bar soap, but don't keep it on the hair, as it also dries them. Soap also washes away the paint.
If waiting is not in your power, you can be advised to make the procedure of washing paint out of my hair. Remover is the removal of artificial color pigments from the hair structure with the help of a special composition. Washes are sold in specialized stores. Most popular of them are: "Color off" Estel, "Colorianne Color System" Cool, "Color Remake" Hair Light, "Remover" with "Oxy Reload" Selective.Remover is applied not once, but several - as long as the hair is not white is so that they can be painted in your desired shade. The remover does not discolor the hair, it contains hydrogen peroxide so will not make your hair lighter natural shade, unless of course you were not previously bleached.Wash hair after this procedure they can become thinner, dimmer. But if after her color soft contact lenses paint, the Shine and strength of your locks secured.After the procedure wash color is hard to care for hair, all failed experiments are not deprived of you elegant, healthy, and shiny hair.