You will need
  • Olive, almond, burdock and linseed oil, a few tablespoons of brandy or beer, shampoo, chamomile tea, lemon juice.
Remover should help you to lighten the hair's a few shades. You can buy or prepare yourself in the home. But genuine remover lighten hairs only one tone, as it is not as fast and effective as chemical. For the preparation of a natural wash, mix olive, almond, burdock and linseed oil and pre-heat the mixture a little. To enhance the effect, add a little brandy or beer.
Warm mixture apply on hair, s and leave for 3-4 hours.
With plenty of water rinse off the mixture and shampoo. Rinse hairs decoction of chamomile. You can add some lemon juice. Apply on hair, you shampoo and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it and dry hair.
If you want to lighten hairs to some tones, repeat the above every time before shampooing.