You will need
    • Squid,
    • 1 onion,
    • vegetable oil,
    • pan
    • cutting Board,
    • knife.
Defrost the carcass. If it is very hard, it is possible to beat the usual wooden meat hammer. Cut it along. Remove the transparent rigid plate and beak. Clean the tentacles from the suckers. They are quite edible, but too hard. Cut the carcass and tentacles rings. Shred the onion. Onions should be medium size. Cut it as rings and sticks, depending on how much you love fried onions.
Put in a pan with rings of squid and mix with onion. Cover the pan with a lid. Fry the squid for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally. If you like very salty food, you can add a bit of salt in this dish. But this is not usually necessary of salt in the squid enough. You can add a little black pepper.
Put in the pan the onion and fry it until Golden brown. Stir the onions constantly, so it won't burn. Mix onion and meat squid and fry for another few minutes with the lid open.
Carcass squid and you can put out. Prepare the carcass is exactly the same as for frying. Separately, fry the pieces of squid and onions, Mix the ingredients in the pan, pour the water back so that it covered the contents, and simmer until tender.