You usually need to calculate the unit weight of production volume of sales and the quantity sold. Knowing both figures, you can determine the drivers of sales and commodities that are price lists for the range. Also on the basis of this information leads to strategic management decisions regarding the assortment policy and future production volumes and the implementation of each group of products.
To calculate the unit weight of products by revenue, divide the weightb range a few commodity groups. Determine how much revenue in absolute terms is accounted for each group of goods. Then the revenue of each group divide by the total revenue. The figures translate into the percent.
To calculate the unit weight of products in quantity, produce a similar effect. Break the range into groups of similar goods to the goods by vendor, or on any other basis. The number of products in each group, divide by the total number of items of products. Thus, you will see the most big and small.
Usually more efficient is the calculation of the specific weightand products on a share in the revenue. This is based on ABC-analysis, which allows to determine the most priority commodity groups in the total range. Its result is a grouping of products according to the degree of influence on the overall result.