Method the first. Consult your family doctor if you have a good relationship. If you have friends in the reception or medical staff can contact them. Ask the doctor or your friends to get help for the disease. To do this, go to the doctor, ask him to make the necessary entry in the medical card and write on the basis of this you appropriate help. Assure all clinic seals and signatures of physicians. Of course, all this is not for free. The first time you can do a small amount or a gift in the form of chocolates. But if you're a regular truant, then be the nth sum of money specifically for such cases.
The second way. If you have no friends in the clinic and the doctors there are all intractable, then nothing else remains how to buy a certificate of illness through the Internet. In the network there are many sites offering their services. All you need is an Internet connection.
Select the most suitable website. Pay attention to the quality of forms. They should represent only the original, as well as print to clinics. Read reviews, to be absolutely sure that you are not deceived.
Complete the online application and pay the specified amount. Then complete the virtual help in the disease. Specify your diagnosis (e.g., SARS), symptoms, duration of the disease. Everything else will do for you. Enter your phone number to be contacted when the certificate is ready. Typically, such a certificate issue for one day. At the appointed time to meet the courier at the agreed place of receipt for your reference or use the option of home delivery.