By EasyHow
How to calculate man-days
Indicator "man-days" shows the number of named employees ' work, regardless of the length of time in the workplace. This indicator is used to determine the Fund of working time, as well as to calculate the average number of employees in the enterprise.
To calculate the number of man-days, you need to first calculate the increased "man-hours". To do this, for each employee multiplied by the number of hours worked per day by the number of days in the month.
Then sum up all the resulting works. The resulting figure will be the "person-hours".
Then the resulting number is divided by 8 hours (number of hours per day according to TK the Russian Federation). The resulting figure will be an indicator of "man-days".
When calculation all indicators are given in integer units, so the values should be rounded to. All the data on the spent days, the number shall be indicated in the timesheet.
Useful advice
There are also indicators person-days of absence" and "man-truancy," are calculated by the same principle. Absenteeism is the absence of the workers for a good cause and absence without permission of the Manager or person in Loco parentis.