Expand all parentheses expressions. Use the formulas such as (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2. If you don't know the formulas, or they are difficult to apply to this expression, expand brackets consistently. To do this, multiply the first term of the first expression in the second expression, then the second term of the first expression on each member of the second, etc. as a result, all elements of both the parentheses are multiplied together.
If you can see three expressions in parentheses first, multiply the first two, leaving the third expression untouched. Simplifying the result, resulting from the conversion of the first parentheses, multiply it with the third expression.
Closely monitor adherence to the signs before the multipliers of the monomials. If do you multiply the two members with the same sign (e.g. both positive or both negative), a single term will be the sign "+". If one member has before him " - " don't forget to move it to work.
Bring all terms to the standard view. That is sometimes the multipliers move in and simplify. For example, the expression 2*(3.5 x) will be equal (to 2*3.5)*x*x=7x^2.
When all terms are standardized, try to simplify the polynomial. For this group the members who have the same variable part, for example, (2x+5x-6x)+(1-2). Simplifying the expression you get x-1.
Note the presence of parameters in the expression. Sometimes the simplification of the polynomial is necessary to make so, if the argument is a number.
To convert to a polynomial expression containing the root, print under it is the expression to be squared. For example, use the formula a^2+2ab+b^2 =(a+b)^2, and then remove the root, together with an even degree. If you get rid of the sign of the root is impossible to convert the expression to a polynomial of the standard form will fail.