First you need to understand why you have a red rash. The first option, your shaver does not suit you, or you're using it wrong. You need to buy a razor with 2 or 3 blades and protective moisturising layer of cream. Change razors as often as possible, do not skimp on their beauty.
Before you start to remove hair in the area bikini, always take a shower and well asprivate the skin. Then apply a gentle scrub and shower gel, then the hairs will become soft and can be easily paid without damaging the top skin.
If all the same irritation you do not avoid, apply hydrocortisone ointment. It has antiseptic effect, soothes the skin and removes any itching and burning. But, unfortunately, this method is not suitable for regular use, as the skin very soon gets used to the ointment, and instead of getting rid of irritation you can only increase it.
Independently prepare the following mixture, which can be used often. Buy in the drugstore glycerin and two aspirin. Turn the aspirin into a fine powder, and then mix in a small amount of glycerin. Now this mixture should be put on irritated skin.
Various creams and ointments that are aimed at fighting acne, will also suit you as getting rid of irritation and pimples in the area bikini.
In that case, if you do not help the proper use of a razor and preparations for hair removal, and irritation will regularly appear in intimate areas, it is recommended to replace conventional shaving to remove hair using electric shavers or decide on a waxing at the salon.