Depending on what type of coat the dog, wash her once a week you need to ten days. If the coat is dry, then wash it should be more often - the more hydrated the dog is, the easier it will be to keep the exhibition form.
Bathing York shared bath, bed, the bottom of the Mat or a small towel, non-slip feet. Bathing water should be flowing to the dirt was completely washed away with wool.
Use wash York regular baby shampoo, slightly pre-diluted with water, but before the exhibitions better bathe your dog with special shampoos designed for this breed. When choosing such a professional shampoo, consider the type of coat your pet and its color.
Shampoo should be applied twice after the first time will be washed away the dirt, and after the second coat you will receive the necessary care and cleansing, after which, passing his hand over the wet wool and hear the squeak.
Wash the greasy wool must, holding hands gently in the direction of its growth on the abdomen and the sides, trying not to confuse her. Rubbing the wool is not necessary, enough so that it is completely covered with a soap solution.
Start washing from the head, trying to keep the water from getting into ears and nose. Instead of the soul to take a scoop from it a jet of water will wash the shampoo with only specific body parts of the dog. The same movements apply and the conditioner. It before applying also be diluted with water. Balm must remain on the hair for 5-7 minutes and then rinse off with warm water until the water becomes slightly murky. The hair after applying conditioner don't have to squeak, a little balm on it should remain to facilitate further brushing.
Lightly press the wool Terrier and wrap it in a towel. Do not RUB them the dog's body, wait until all excess moisture is absorbed, and replace the towel to dry. After it absorbs the remaining moisture, begin to brush your beauty.