Data on the registered place of residence of citizens shall be made by the passport registration officer to the house book and door card. In order to obtain information about who is registered in your apartment or house, you need to contact the passport office or the housing office district with your identity document and order an extract from the house register.
Keep in mind that this procedure is only available to owners of housing, so if you try to get information about the apartment you don't belong, that pasportist obliged to refuse you.
Way out there – execute a power of attorney to obtain information on registered citizens. for this you together with the owner of the property need to apply to a notary, and then to the passport office.
Another option: you can submit a request to the Federal migration service. You must come to FMS with a document certifying your identity and to write a letter of request in the prescribed form.
The period of performance of the written request for information within 30 days. This information is provided without any fees and commissions.
Remember, however, that in accordance with the Federal law "On personal data" of the address-reference information in respect of other persons not subject to disagreement without the consent of the owner.
Response prepared on request, in accordance with the order of the FMS of Russia No. 422, dated 29 October 2007 "On approval of Administrative regulations of execution by the Federal migration service of the state function on organization and conduct of reference work targeted", it means that before you respond, the employee of the FMS will send you are interested in the address request, which will indicate that you (name) are interested in some information concerning registered individuals, indicate the purpose for which you are interested in and ask them to consent to the disclosure of such data or to contact you.