You will need
  • 1. Passport mom or dad.
  • 2. birth certificate of the child.
The first thing you will need to register on the website This procedure is simple, and when you fill in all the required fields, you will receive a letter with confirmation of registration.
Following the link from this letter, you will find yourself in the electronic journal of future students. There you can fill out an application for placement on the waiting list in a kindergarten. You can choose from three preschools, putting the priority. Do not forget to specify the benefits, if any.
Then you also e-mail will receive an individual code of your application, it has an electronic Board.
By typing this code on the main page of the site, you will always be able to control, not moved if it's your turn. And if the order of recording children in kindergartens suddenly changed in the big or smaller party, you will be able to appeal to the district Board for the explanation. To do it through the website while, unfortunately, impossible. With all the questions you will have to personally go to the district Department of education.
Also need to come to the district Board, if in your area such Internet services do not exist. In order for your child to be recorded in the queue to kindergarten, you need to bring a set of documents. It is a passport mom or dad, birth certificate and certificate of residence of the baby, the identity of the beneficiary. Be sure to grab copies of all papers. The exact list is better to check before a trip to the district Board. In some areas require additional documents.
After logging future students you will be given a ticket with a number. To know how advanced is your turn, you can call RONO and calling has you code.