Try to use any bleach if you have white thing. If previously bleached clothing is "White", now bleach the whole sea: choose to your taste. It can be almost all well-known Comet, Vanish, Ace, and others. By the way, it is best with this task cope oxygen (not chlorine) bleach the type of "Bare" and other.
If you shed coloured items, wash them immediately with generic bleach from Amway. With garment wash out not only faded the stains, but wine with synthetics, and even green with cotton things. This tool is suitable for colored and white linen.
There is also a special tool K2r called "Universal bleach accidentally painted things." One package is enough for 8-10 liters of water. With this tool you need to use clear instructions and constantly monitor the process. Do not leave soaked the thing for a long time. This bleach is also suitable for any clothes. If in doubt, try it on an inconspicuous and small area of faded things. Immersed in the solution, the thing will take a uniform gray color. As it should be. After a while the color will be restored.
You can try to use Antilen" that restores the color randomly painted stuff. The tool is supplied with a detailed manual.
At home if there is ammonia, you can get rid of faded spots on clothing and. Simply soak the damaged item in a hot aqueous solution of the ammonia. To do this, take a pot of hot water and pour it one-two bubbles of ammonia (50 g). The smell is unpleasant, but faded the paint over time will fade.
The last tool that you can recommend, it's color restorer Dr. Beckmann 3 in 1. The peculiarity of this tool is that it is a strong chemical and very toxic. Work with this tool only with gloves. Not interfere with protective eyewear.