You will need
  • - shampoo;
  • vitamin supplements;
  • - burdock oil;
  • mustard powder or red pepper.
The hair begins to grow intensively when the body receives the right amount of micronutrients. Buy a vitamin complex that is enriched with calcium, zinc, phosphorus and fluorine. Also take a fish oil Supplement, which can now be found in capsules, it has an unpleasant taste, and the smell is completely absent. If you have health problems, before using supplements consult your doctor.
Buy in the drugstore shampoo which activates the hair growth. Usually it contains in its composition of brewer's yeast and vitamin supplements, on the label there is a corresponding label "Activator of hair growth, or "Accelerates hair growth . Regularly use it to cleanse the head, and to reinforce the action, and apply healing balm.
Burdock oil will not only help to accelerate the regrowth of hair, but also improve them. Slightly pre-heat 60 ml of oil, apply on unwashed hair, wrap your head with foil and a towel and leave for 60 minutes or longer. Rinse the head several times. Make the mask a few times a week. You can use olive oil, but is it necessary to add any vitamins, fat-based.
Do a mustard mask. Take a tablespoon of powder and mix it with shampoo, olive or burdock oil, sour cream or yoghurt (about 50 ml). Apply on the hair roots for 30 minutes. Instead of mustard you can use red pepper (1 tsp per 50 ml of cream).
Massage of the scalp improves blood flow, which speeds up hair growth. Daily brush the curls for 10 minutes with a wooden hairbrush. Also odergivala hair, taking them between his fingers. Gradually you will notice good results.