Start a browser the usual way and enter in the address bar Press Enter or click the arrow to the right of the address bar to go to the main page Yandex. If the address bar is not displayed, configure it: click the toolbar, right-click and install marker opposite point "navigation" in the context menu.
Look at the top of the page is the inscription-the link "Make Yandex start page" and click it with the left mouse button. Opens a small dialog box, follow the instructions contained in it: drag the icon of Yandex on the icon in the home toolbar. This is the fastest way to make Yandex home page. You can also set the right parameters in the settings.
Regardless of which browser you use, the principle of action is similar, the only difference between the button names and commands, but they are the same. As an example taken from the Mozilla Firefox browser. In the menu "Tools" select "Settings". If you do not see the menu, click on the toolbar, right-click and install marker opposite point "menu Bar".
After opens a new dialog box, make sure that you are on the Main tab. In the "Run" enter the address of the main page of Yandex in the "Home page". To confirm your action click on the OK button, the window will automatically close.
If you install the add-on "Yandex Bar", you can at any time go to the main page of Yandex, even if she is not home. In the right corner of the toolbar will be branded badge supplier, which must be pressed to jump. Download "Yandex Bar" from the official website. Each browser has its own page. So, for Mozilla Firefox you need to open the page for Internet Explorer - and so on.