You will need
  • Fabric, scissors, tracing paper/pattern paper, crayon, pencil, safety pins, sewing machine
The cut of this collarless must exactly fit the shape of the neck. To do so, attach the pattern detail blouse (or a blouse) to the paper pattern and carefully draw a line of the neck with a pencil.
Based on this line construct a drawing of the collar. Its dimensions depend on the size of the shirt. For example, the width of the round collar blouse 42 size will be 5.5 cm don't forget that you need to leave a seam 0.5 cm.
Make pattern for podkralas details. With its help, we will attach the collar to the product. The base conforms to the shape of the base of the collar, and the height is 1,5-2 see
Before you begin, wash the fabric from which you will carve out the collar. Then, already in finished form, the product is not a village or a changed form.
Cut out collar along the warp threads. Pin a paper pattern to fabric safety pins, and then draw a chalk. Make a second item for the lower part of the collar. Another part of the same form made of nonwoven fabric is used for lining. Cut also Podkayne detail.
Attach the two parts of the collar to each other and face inward. Top off with non-woven lining. Baste collar stitch ' forward needle, leaving the center of the lower base of the collar hole 1.5-2 cm, then the collar could turn out.
Stitch detail on the sewing machine and turn on the front side. Sew the remaining hole overlock stitch. Smooth and otparit collar.
Tuck and stitch the bottom and side faces (i.e. those that do not connect with the neck and the collar) podkralas details.
Attach collar to blouse, on top of him, face down, put Podkayne detail. Baste all the pieces, and then prostrochite them.
Then lift Podkayne detail and tuck it inside the neckline. Pristrochite it to the wrong side of the blouse.