In the File menu (File) select the New command ("Create") to create a new document. Now add a new layer, which will draw the table. Click on the layers panel to the Create a new layer button (the"Create new layer") or use the hotkeys Shift+Ctrl+N. On the color palette, pick the perfect shade and fill a new layer – this will be the background color of your table.
On the toolbar, select the Rectangle Tool (Rectangle) from the group of tools U. With it, create a cell of your table. To the cell turned out square, draw it while holding the Shift key. If you want all the cells in the matrix were the same, hold Alt+Ctrl and mouse drag the finished cell to a new location – in this case you will get its duplicate.
To simply move to the cell on the screen, move it while holding Ctrl. For precise positioning, hold down Ctrl and use the arrow keys "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right".
When all the cells are arranged in the desired order, select tool the Direct Selection Tool ("Management allocation"), right-click on the control knots of the last cell and select the Delete Anchor Point ("Delete anchor point"). If required, return to the side of the cell.
Note on the toolbar of the Brush Tool (Brush) and in the properties panel, set its diameter – it will fit the width of table borders. The foreground color defines the border color. Again, select the Rectangle Tool and right click on the table to invoke the context menu. Select Stroke Path ("Stroke").
Group tools U have another tool with which to draw the table. Select the Line Tool (Line) and draw a table with the desired number of columns and rows. To get a smooth, lead them, hold down the Shift key. When the table layout is ready, open the context menu right click the mouse and choose the option Stroke Path. Parameters of the brush, of course, you need to install in advance.