The first time. Video given y=kx+b in the plane. You want to find the equation of the perpendicular line passing through the point M(M, n). The equation of the line search in the form y=cx+d. Use the geometric meaning of k-factor. This is the tangent of the angle of inclination α of a straight line to the x-axis k=tgα. Then s=tg(α+π/2)=-ctgα=-1/tgα=-1/k. At the moment, found the equation of the perpendicular line in the form y=-(1/k)x+d, where d remains to clarify. To do this, use the coordinates of the specified point M(m, n). Write down the equation n=-(1/k)m+d, from which d=n-(1/k)m. You can now give the answer y=-(1/k)x+n(1/k)m. There are other types of equations the flat straight. So there are other ways of solutions. However, they are easily converted into each other.
Spatial case. Let f video known set of canonical equations (if not, bring them to canonical form). f: (x-x0)/m=(y-y0)/n=(z-z0)/p, where M0(x0, y0, z0) is an arbitrary point of this straight line, and s={m,n,p} is its direction. Target point M(a,b,c). First, find the plane α, perpendicular line f that contains M. To do this, use one of the forms of the General equation of the straight line A(x-a)+B(y-b)+C(z-c)=0. The guiding vector n={A,B,C} coincides with the vector s (see Fig. 1). Therefore, n={m,n,p} and the equation α: m(x-a)+n(y-b)+p(z-c)=0.
Now find the point M1(x1,y1,z1) of the intersection of plane α and the straight f by solving the system of equations (x-x0)/m=(y-y0)/n=(z-z0)/p, and m(x-a)+n(y-b)+p(z-c)=0. In the decision process will be the same for all the searched coordinate value u= [m(x0-a)+n(y0-b)+p(z0-c)]/(m^2+n^2+p^2). Then the solution x1=x0-mu, y1=y0-nu, z1=z0-pu.
In this step, search the perpendicular line l, find the directional vector g=M1M={x1-a,y1-b z1-c}={x0-mu-a,y0-nu-b,z0-pu-c}. Put the coordinates of the vector m1=x0-mu-a, n1=y0-nu-b, p1=z0-pu-c and record response l: (x-a)/(x0-mu-a)=(y-b)/(y0-nu-b)=(z-c)/(z0-pu-c).