If the user simply accidentally deleted data or accidentally formatted the flash drive, recover files help of a special program. You can try it yourself by downloading the necessary program on the Internet. The main thing - not to get confused and not produce on the bearer change during data extraction. Removing lost file, transfer it immediately to your computer.
If the flash drive is clearly not normal, for example, is not defined in the computer at all, or defined as empty, or if you have damaged the drive mechanically – crushed or wet, then to recover data you should refer to specialists. It is very important to find the problem, not to produce any more action with the stick. The stick should be immediately and properly removed from the computer or camera not to work with her - not to make images, not to record any data. Remember, almost any malfunction data can be recovered, if after the detection of the error, you immediately stop working with flash.
Take the faulty drive to the center of the computer repair experts using a special device (programmer) think of all of the chips flash memory and decrypt it, having thus, your lost information. If possible, the computer center, you not only restore data but also fix the flash card.By the way, today there are firms ready to help you with data recovery from USB drive available.