You will need
  • - passport,
  • - the ticket.
Find out whether the fare refundable tickets. In most airlines the following conditions. The money for the ticket business-class return fully in any case, possible additional compensation. The cheapest economic class, as a rule, do not provide for a refund of tickets, whatever happened you have the situation. A normal economy class ticket refundable on flexible terms, depending on when you decided to abandon it. Most likely, you will have to pay a fine when you return. If your flight is cancelled or severely delayed through the fault of the airline, the money must be repaid in full at any rate.
Rules for the return of tickets from different carriers are different. If you have bought the ticket directly, not through an Agency, call the customer support and clarify what is required of you. In case when ticket is purchased from the travel Agency, you need to treat them.
Likely to cancel your ticket, you'll need to come to the service office of the airline. This should be done even if the electronic ticket. Bring your passport. Go to the operator and explain that you want to cancel this ticket. The employee quickly decorated.
It may be that the ticket is electronic, and in the locality in which you reside, there is no sales office. In this case, call the airline and find out whether you can cancel your ticket by phone. Most airlines will allow you to do this. The operator will find out information about reserving a spot and cancel it. Funds back on the card or e-account.
When there is involuntary return ticketand the airline's fault (flight delayed or severely delayed), you are entitled to a full refund of the amount of any maintenance rate. If you are in an airport where they learnt about the circumstances of the case, then take a certificate from a representative of the airline (this is necessary not for all carriers, so it is best to ask directly at the operator). Then you can return it directly to the office of the company at the airport or go to the sales office, if necessary.