You will need
  • - all your medical records and findings.
Collect all available medical certificates, results of examinations and tests, the conclusion of doctors. Some of the procedures are quite long and result of their passing you have to wait a long time, so prepare to enter the military to advance. You will put on military records at the age of seventeen, and then start thinking about the recruiting Commission.
The medical Commission has to examine recruits on the suitability to perform military field service and identify the disease, preventing to execute this duty. But often, young men are found suitable even with a number of diseases just because the military does not get recruits. So be aware of their rights and responsibilities, the honeyCommission.
Keep on hand in addition to a whole spectrum of references your patient card. This document proves the existence of your disease, because there noted all the recommendations and conclusions of the treating physician.
Doctors medical recruiting Commission begin the inspection with a list of complaints of the recruit. So tell me about all their health problems, presenting the relevant documents. Make sure that everything you said is noted in the personal file. The law obliges the health care worker to record all complaints of recruits. If your requirement is not met, ask the Commissar to call or write a statement - it clearly specify the cause of the complaint.
The Commission shall send you for examination to a medical facility, as approved by the local administration. These are usually district or city hospitals with free services. But you have the right to be examined in the other official medical institution in which you would prefer. It is noted in the Law on health protection of citizens. If you are in the military is forbidden to act in this way, contact the court.
Don't settle for re-examination, if the Commissar is not pleased with your conclusion. You have the right to refuse medical intervention. Require to make a decision, based on the conclusion of your chosen hospital. Fix the failure from re-examination in writing, keep a certified copy of the statement.
From service in the army liberate young men with poor health, as evidenced by the medical Board. You will be given a "white ticket". Also a reason not to serve in the ranks of the Russian army is that you have two or more minor children. Use the services of a lawyer, if you are not confident in their abilities. It will help you to understand the laws on conscription, prepare and issue the necessary documents.