You will need
  • program Nero;
  • - clean the disc.
To work you must have the full version of Nero with all the components. It is desirable to use one of the latest versions of the program. Run the application. After launch, click on the arrow to the right. Then, in the Apps section, select Nero ImageDrive. Agree to the activation of a feature by clicking "Yes". Then set the checkbox "Enable drive". If necessary, you can create two virtual drive.
Next click the tab "First drive". Click on the browse button which is in the upper right corner, and specify the path to the image drive. Select that drive using the left mouse button. Then on the bottom of the overview window click "Open". After a few seconds the program window will display "installed". If you need to extract the disk image from the virtual drive, just go to the tab "First drive" and press "Release". After this virtual disk is unmounted, and instead you will be able to mount another image.
If necessary, use the program Nero you can record the contents of the image on a regular disk. To do this in the Apps section, choose Nero Express. Then select the "Image project", then "disk Image". Specify the path to the disk image you want to capture. Select it by left-click of the mouse. Then on the bottom of the overview window click "Open".
Insert into the optical drive of the computer clean disk. If you need to capture the image in multiple instances, in the line "Number of copies" enter the number of copies. Also check the box "Verify data after burning" and click "Record." Wait for completion of image capture. After it, remove the recorded disc from the optical drive tray. If you selected recording media in a few instances, after removing the first insert the next blank disc.