Inspect the book and tell me to start themselves without exaggeration and without exaggerating anything, what is the status of this book is how well it is preserved through many decades. The as old the book has primary value of such rarities, which would remain a welcome boon for booksellers in the absence of a dozen pages, very little. If well preserved "native" hardcover book, available in all the pages (illustrations, plates, etc.), the book block is not falling apart, then the probability that the book is of any value, is quite big.
Find out whether your book is an independent publication, or included in a multivolume collection, having two or three, and maybe a couple of dozen fellows under other rooms. Connoisseurs of antiquarian books prefer to buy the complete series, so as to find the missing volumes to one book, published more than a hundred years ago, it may be extremely difficult. The conclusion is that the scattered volumes of a multivolume publications are appreciated and are in demand much less than the individual books.
Determine the theme of the book and the nationality of its author - it will help in some degree to draw conclusions about the value of publication or, in any case, the existence of a demand for it on the secondhand market. The first editions of the works of Russian authors is much more interesting than the numerous translations of foreign writers and scholars works. In turn, among the Russian books are more valued works of fiction that do not have a period of practical "fitness", whereas many scientific works are outdated and not interesting even for a narrow circle of specialists.
Try finally learn, using all available sources of information have been reprinted if you are interested in the book lately. If so, the interest is almost purely aesthetic - read in pre-revolutionary orthography that can be read in the usual form, few would want to. Among the multiple editions of the same books, released a long time ago (before the war or even before the revolution) more than any other prized first edition or at least in vivo - carried out before the physical death of the author of this book.