If the folds running from the nose down, not yet very pronounced, barely noticeable, start doing exercises for the face. It will help to prevent the transformation of the incipient folds in the deep creases. Stand in front of the mirror, strongly inflate the cheeks and slowly blow out through your mouth the air. Then with force send the upper lip down, make use of the facial muscles. With fingertips, press lightly on the crease, as if smoothing them. Beat in the folds of fingertips. All exercises should be repeated 7-10 times to do each day.
If the creases around the lips and nose already expressed clearly, they can be removed only with the help of a beautician. Complete course of 5-6процедур on the unit Thermafine. The device helps to stimulate the metabolic processes, feeding into the epidermis of active pulses. The effect of such procedures lasts for years.
If the nasolabial folds become deeper, will help the procedure of filling them with patterns-fillers on the basis of hylauronic acid. It's Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane and other drugs. The gel is applied after a mild local anesthesia, and preserves the effect for six to twelve months. Then the procedure must be repeated.
One of the most radical options – lipofilling. This procedure is enough for a lifetime, but it should not be considered in the full sense of the word plasticity. Nasolabial folds corrected by using their fill fat tissue of the patient, taken from the thighs or abdomen. The procedure time is one hour, but after it will have to spend the night in the hospital and a week then limit your facial expressions. But it will help to permanently remove the nasolabial folds.