Push down on black and beat him with Russian and foreign words. Noir, Nero, Cara Blackie, Schwartz, black, black, Panther, Onyx, and other names for your black dog.
Remember things and events that come to mind when you look at your pet. Look how beautiful black silky coat, like the expressive eyes of the animal staring at you from the darkness. Immediately comes the feeling that the beast possesses mystical knowledge. Beast, Angus, Raven, Demon, Devil, night, midnight, Shadow, Devil, Gothic, Rune – that's worthy of names for your dog.
Say the word "black," and record of the Association that you have. Soot, Coal, Graphite, agate, agate, Coffee, Mocha, Arabica, Robusta, Chibo, Charlie, Malevich (black square), Boomer, Ember, Ezhevichka, Zorro, Pirate, Gypsy – all of this is related to the black color.
Recall the Egyptian God Anubis, who was called black dog. In some areas of Europe, mainly in Britain and Scandinavia from black dogs has created a guardian spirit of the Church of the devil. They were called "Church grim", so you can call your pet "the Grim" is a very unusual and worthy of a nickname.
Famous black figures will give you many names to choose from: Obama, Barack, Booker, Marley, Denzel, Hendrix, Davis, Martin, king, C., Armstrong, Tyson, Michael, Jordan, Morgan, Mohammed, Tina, Turner, Oprah, Whitney berry, B. B. king.
If you are a representative of Gothic subculture, you'll have no lack of ideas in order to choose a name for your black pet. What are the black beast: misty, Dracula, vampire, Werewolf, Negative, Lacrimosa, Ozzy, Marilyn, dreams, Nosferatu, Lovecraft, Edgar Allan PoE, Shelly, Stoker, silver, Lucifer, Nirvana, Yorkie, Rasmus. There are many other beautiful names that suit your pet.