In fact, the word "Manager" has become a household name, the concept of which often invested performed by employee function. Therefore, the areas of interest of different specialists may be quite wide: from direct participation in the process to control all activities of the company. Accordingly, their objectives, responsibilities, motivating factors will be significantly different. Before the recruitment campaign it is necessary to determine the employee's place in a hierarchical chain of the organization because the search algorithm of the Manager on sales and topManager is different.
The easiest way to get a good Manager at any level – to lure him from the competition. This is the most rational approach which promises success only if you will be able to offer specialist attractive working conditions. By the way, they can expressed not only in higher income, but also confer additional powers or, for example, to obtain privileges in terms of discounts on products of the company. However, to invite the employee, and thus, if you have noticed him for a long time and his work you as the employer are completely satisfied.
In other cases, have the employee look through ads. If possible, engage as many venues both online and offline space. Here it is in the statistics: for example, out of 100 applicants for the position of Manager sales is estimated there is a work. To find a topManager, will have to see much more candidates.
Avoid stereotypes: a good specialist may not have higher education, work experience, and be under 23 years and over 40. And this is understandable: the "crust" is not correlated with the way of thinking, and most competent managers are already "aged". Experience also has a downside: if the relationship with a particular customer once ended on a negative note, then any attempt to persuade the Manager to re-start the dialogue with him will fail, despite the prospect of the deal.
Invite selected applicants for an interview. It is advisable to split it into two phases and involve several employees of the company: recruiters and managers of different directions. It is important that the final word belonged not to the immediate supervisor, who will oversee the work of a Managerand a person who through at least one level of the hierarchy. This will prevent the exclusion of strong candidates that can effectively compete with their leaders.