Relax your entire body before applying the shock. It shall enter into force "effect of the whip". Blow on the ball will be much stronger if you beat a relaxed leg. Imagine that your limbs are tense all the time. In this case, no desired effect and the ball will not fly as far as it would like. The only place that is straining is the ankle.
Place the ball into a shooting position. Stand back a few meters back. Run and pretend you're kicking. The last step before a strike should be long enough. The heel of the kicking leg should almost touch the gluteal muscles. Let your knee go forward first. And at the last second straighten the leg in a whiplash motion "through laying the ball". Corps give back a little.
Always watch how your foot touches the projectile. If you can clearly see the whole process, so you will hit harder and more accurately. This technique allows to control the body, giving additional acceleration to the ball. Check it out by hitting a ball against a wall. This will help you to measure the force of impact. Always ask the goalkeeper of his team, how it would be hard or easy to fight off shots on goal. It will also be an indicator of the increasing strength of the blow.
Train your punches from day to day. Once you've mastered the above theory, try to hit the ball as often as possible. This can even be done before and after training. Ask your mentor to provide you with more time to load, faster to see the result in this component.
Strengthen the muscles and joints of the feet. Without a common physical activity it is impossible to progress on the field. Always remember this. These exercises like the squat on the shoulders with a partner, splitting, Shuttle run, lunges with a barbell should be your regular program. After some time, you will be surprised how the increased power of impact on the ball.