You will need
  • the exact schedule parent meetings;
  • the plan of the meeting.
To warn parents about the day and the hour parent meetings are required for two weeks, hanging an ad on the Bulletin Board of the group. The teacher should also verbally tell parents that there's a meeting and ask to be sure.
Both educator working in this group should work together to prepare for parent meetings. You must write the implementation plan and ask for the head of a kindergarten and a senior teacher of educational work to attend the meeting, especially if there is a discussion of the common themes that concern the entire kindergarten.
At the beginning of the meeting, you should briefly tell about the successes of children on new skills and abilities that children have acquired. To tell which children are especially good at developing lessons, and who still needs a little work. To explain what activities should be carried out in the home especially if the meeting is held in the preparatory group. Nothing bad about the child not talking in the presence of all the parents. If you want to discuss any personal subject, parents are asked to stay after the meeting.
If at the meeting a representative of the administration of the kindergarten, kindergarten raised common themes. For example, for repairs to or improvement of the Playground.
Chairperson of the parent Committee. Resolved domestic and economic issues. Define the needs that need to raise money and the General meeting resolved, in what amount and when it will be done.
If the meeting is preceded by any holiday or significant event in a group, solve problems that may arise during the conduct of these activities and on the assistance which can be provided by parents at celebrations.
In General, at the parents ' meeting to solve all the topics related to the educational process and domestic activities of the institution.