You will need
    • dry peas – 2 cups;
    • water – 4 cups;
    • onions – 1 head;
    • butter – 100g;
    • salt – to taste
Prepare the peas. Rinse and soak in cold water for 1.5-2 hours. If the peas whole, very dry, soaking time can be increased to 4 hours.
Washed and soaked the peas add to the pan, pour in enough cold water, put on fire. After boiling, remove the foam and cook it on slow heat for 40-45 minutes. Water salting is not necessary.
After the peas are well roasted, carefully drain the water into a separate bowl. The broth is not yet empty, it'll come in handy. Now you need to mash the peas. This can be done with a regular potato masher or using a blender. In the second case, the puree will be more uniform, soft. This does not mean better, it all depends on your taste.
Add to the pan in which the cooked peas, butter, and melt it. Onion finely chop and fry in oil. When frying, do not turn the fire strong. Onions should become transparent. Make sure that it is not burnt.
Sauteed onions put the obtained pea puree, add a little previously drained broth to the puree has a thick, but fluid. Now you can put salt to taste or salt and dry seasonings and broths. The pan cover and leave to "languish" on a very slow fire. After 5-10 minutes turn off the heat and let goroshnitsa still a little brew (as long as you set the table for dinner).
Cooked delicious goroshnitsa serve in a beautiful plate, lightly watered it with melted butter. Decorate with greens, and even better, prepare a green salad with olive oil.If you want to enable goroshnitsa in the menu as a vegetable dish, replace the butter with a vegetable. Also you get a very tasty and nutritious.