Contact the tax office at the place of residence with a request for registration as a private entrepreneur. Bring your passport and made in advance copies of all filled sheets of the passport. In the tax office you will be asked to fill out an application on registration of the physical person as the individual businessman, and issue a receipt for payment of state duty for registration. Complete the application in accordance with the requirements, and pay legal costs in the cash Desk of any branch of Sberbank, bring the application and payment receipt to the inspector. The state registration within 5 working days.
Get in the tax office on the appointed day the following documents:
- the certificate on the state registration as the individual businessman;
- extract from state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
- notification about registration of the physical person with the tax authority at the place of residence.

Check with your tax inspector, which taxes, when and how much you will pay, what documents you will need to issue (and you will pay a single tax on imputed income, transport tax, pension contributions). The pension Fund will put you on record as the insured on notice of the tax inspection, so to go there is in principle not necessary, the notice of registration as insured you will receive in the mail.

Open Bank account (need tax). Order your print (optional, but better to do)
Apply for a taxi driving license. License issued by the authorized body of Executive power in each region it's different. Call the receiving the administration of your region, ask where it issued licenses for taxi in your area. Call back, check the necessary list of documents for registration of license, conditions for license and the fee.
Read the conditions for obtaining a license. A prerequisite for obtaining a license for taxi is that you have driving experience not less than 5 years, the car must be in your ownership or leased, must be passed state inspection. Car equip accordingly. Purchase and install a taximeter and an orange lamp on the roof of the car, apply the "checkered" on the sides of the car.
Apply for a license to the appropriate organization. The application shall attach the required documents (passport copy, an extract from the Unified state register of individual entrepreneurs, VAT number, certificate of registration of the vehicle or of the lease agreement). License is issued within 30 calendar days. Get a license on the appointed day and get to work.