A native of tropical America, it is known to botanists for centuries. Contribution to the science of naturalists and gardeners John and John Jr. Tradescant was so great that Carl Linnaeus has assigned them the name of this perennial plant. A biologist from Venezuela, D., Perera, studied the healing properties of tradescantia and has proved that it is only slightly inferior so widely used in herbal medicine and folk medicine plants, such as aloe and Echinacea.

For example, the striped leaves of tradescantia zebrina contains the active substance similar in its properties to insulin. Long-known bactericidal properties of the plant. Volatile spiderwort kill the pathogens of infectious diseases, especially intestinal. Hemostatic and bactericidal properties of plants used to heal shallow cuts and scratches. Juice it accelerates the maturation of boils and clears the festering wounds. A decoction of the green plant parts used for mikroklizm with colitis and inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Juice, diluted with boiled water, washed his nose, rinse throat with infection of the upper respiratory tract. For the treatment of periodontal disease, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water and chewing fresh leaves. The pulp of leaves and shoots of the plants used in the treatment of tuberculosis. Spirituous extract of tradescantia is used for lowering the level of blood glucose in diabetes.

The house is an indispensable aid for cleaning the air from tobacco smoke, toxic substances, emissions from furniture, construction materials and plastic. Cats are treated for parasites, eating with great pleasure juicy leaves of tradescantia.

Even mages use tradescantia, as an amulet against the evil eye and spoilage. Esotericism and bioenergy is also very respectful to say about spiderwort. According to them it cleans the aura of the house from negative energy, protects against envy and the evil eye, energy vampirism. Her energy, sun-drenched, cures stress, restores power, returns a taste for life.